Finally, i get my freedom back :D
The first thing that i really want to do is blogging. and the second is to looking for my new inspiration. Setelah 1 bulan saya terperangkap dengan materi materi UTS that really killing me :x
Dan meluncurlah saya ke elex bersama sahabat saya tercinta, Fania ;)
akhirnya.. here is the new comer in my book cupboard :
Morning Brew - Nina Addison

Akhirnyaaa, saya dapat ini juga. mencari buku ini bener bener butuh perjuangan. terutama perjuangan bensin :D still reading, just started page 97 :)
Celebrity Wedding - AliaZalea

hmm.. have been i months ago, i bought this book. not bad, but i prefer Crash Into you. btw ;)
Antologi Rasa - Ika Natassa

greaat. love this novel. no happy ending and sad ending. but the interesting part in this novel is this novel really talking about life, and how the way we can enjoy the life :D
Ti Amo, Tia Amoria - Karla M. Nashar

Ini novel yang juga saya wanti wanti dan nanti nantikan. dan TA-DA dapet juga deh ni novel. novel ini masih terbungkus rapi dengan plastik bersegel di meja belajar saya. belum sempat baca, kan bru tadi dbeli ;)
The first thing that i really want to do is blogging. and the second is to looking for my new inspiration. Setelah 1 bulan saya terperangkap dengan materi materi UTS that really killing me :x
Dan meluncurlah saya ke elex bersama sahabat saya tercinta, Fania ;)
akhirnya.. here is the new comer in my book cupboard :
Morning Brew - Nina Addison

Akhirnyaaa, saya dapat ini juga. mencari buku ini bener bener butuh perjuangan. terutama perjuangan bensin :D still reading, just started page 97 :)
Celebrity Wedding - AliaZalea

hmm.. have been i months ago, i bought this book. not bad, but i prefer Crash Into you. btw ;)
Antologi Rasa - Ika Natassa

greaat. love this novel. no happy ending and sad ending. but the interesting part in this novel is this novel really talking about life, and how the way we can enjoy the life :D
Ti Amo, Tia Amoria - Karla M. Nashar

Ini novel yang juga saya wanti wanti dan nanti nantikan. dan TA-DA dapet juga deh ni novel. novel ini masih terbungkus rapi dengan plastik bersegel di meja belajar saya. belum sempat baca, kan bru tadi dbeli ;)